The Ranger 06-18-2017 11:00 am - 06-18-2017 3:00 pm [{"latlong":["",""],"zoom":"9","infow":"<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t\t <\/label>\n\t\t\t 06-18-2017 11:00 am06-18-2017 3:00 pm <\/span>\n\t\t <\/div>","google_map_url":""}] Right now our beautiful towns in Vermont are being threatened. Join us at the Ranger this summer at the Tunbridge Fairgrounds for a FUNraising event to protect this beautiful place from development in our backyard. Features of our event include a 32-mile adventure style gravel grinder on beautiful dirt roads (and a shorter 16 mi bike loop). All will all end with a festival of local foods, local beer, live music and more! We guarantee fun and a renewed appreciation for this beautiful area. More details and event signup info to come soon!