A New Chapter

The beginning of our work.

We are elated to announce David Hall’s decision to abandon his NewVistas development in Vermont. This is an opportunity for us to get creative in a way that engages community members in thinking about the future of this region. We look forward to working with new partners in developing innovative strategies which reflect community values and are in-line with current town plans.

We are very fortunate to have diverse partners and a strong local team to help brainstorm the best way of reintegrating the 1500 acres  back into our communities. Our hope is that David Hall sees the greater good in this process, thereby enabling us to plan for a brighter future for this land.

Over the last two years the four towns have developed closer ties by working together through the threat of NewVistas, and it will be important for us to continue this regional relationship. Royalton, Sharon, Strafford and Tunbridge share common roots in their working landscapes as well as similar economic issues. We have a great opportunity in front of us and we need to make the most of it together. We are incredibly hopeful for the future and we look forward to remaining a resource and advocate for this region. We are excited about the chance to begin focusing our energy on our real work, bringing vibrancy and opportunity to our communities.

Statement from Stephanie Meeks, President and CEO, National Trust for Historic Preservation 

“We are relieved to hear that the four Vermont towns of Royalton, Sharon, Strafford, and Tunbridge, the Watch Status Site on our 2018 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list, are potentially safe from inappropriate development. While this news came shortly after our listing, it is mainly thanks to the tireless efforts of our local partners at The Alliance for Vermont Communities, Vermont Natural Resources Council, and Preservation Trust of Vermont, and their work to preserve and protect their idyllic New England communities. While communities need to adapt and grow over time to achieve economic growth, irreparably harming historic character is almost always a step in the wrong direction. We will continue observing the area in the coming weeks and months, and we hope the future of these land parcels is in keeping with the historic character, community interests, and conservation spirit of these towns and Vermont as a whole.”

Together We Will!