‘Groundswell’ Subtitled ‘Community Conversations about Land Use, Livelihood, Food, and the Future of Vermont

02-22-2017 3:30 pm - 02-22-2017 6:30 pm

Rural Vermont Presents ‘Groundswell
Subtitled ‘Community Conversations about Land Use, Livelihood, Food, and the Future of Vermont,’ the small farm advocacy group Rural Vermont’s roadshow kicks off on Wed., Feb. 22 from 5:30-8:30 PM at the Tunbridge Town Hall with local host Lindsay Harris of Mountain Home Farm. The community conversation will be punctuated by a light dinner provided by Rural Vermont, an original poem written and performed by Taylor Katz of Free Verse Farm, live music, and social time during the breaks. Sponsored by the South Royalton Market and BALE. Free and open to all with farmer and childcare stipends available. For more info or to RSVP, click HERE or call 802-223-7222.